About Me

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Macys Fashionista + Blooger from United States. Apart from saying, each individual is unique in their own way. I'm just a girl on a pursuit to happiness painting and exploring the world with colors with my style because your personality isn't the first thing people see. Here is my alternative blog...no Photoshop, no fancy backdrops, just ME! My everyday fashions, not a personal style blog, but the art of fashion + style of my closet, DIY's, art, and other artifacts I find enlightening. Hope You Enjoy!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

What Difference Does It Makes?

Tunic Dress-Vintage
Cut-offs-Celebrity Pink Jeans
Shoes-Rachael Roy

Very quick post for this Thursday afternoon, how cool is this vintage grunge babydoll tunic I scored, which is inspired from the 90s. I love it! My combination of today's outfit I paired, denim cut-offs with leopard two-tone booties. I'm all about mixing color, textures and patterns, its just my thing as long as I can remember, since high school days. Its just fun and a fabulous way to create more variety in your outfit, which is definitely a must to creating ones own individualistic and personal approach of styling.

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