About Me

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Macys Fashionista + Blooger from United States. Apart from saying, each individual is unique in their own way. I'm just a girl on a pursuit to happiness painting and exploring the world with colors with my style because your personality isn't the first thing people see. Here is my alternative blog...no Photoshop, no fancy backdrops, just ME! My everyday fashions, not a personal style blog, but the art of fashion + style of my closet, DIY's, art, and other artifacts I find enlightening. Hope You Enjoy!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Stomping Grounds

Sweater- Express
Pants- Macy's
Booties- Dirty Laundry 

Very quick post today. As you can see, Autumn is here! Oh how fun it is to wear clothes again. I just love this time of season, the layering of style.  Its amazing how one single essential can bring out an outfit. I ironically put this outfit together in a rush to head out the door. I really love the effect my polka parachute style pants bring out the outfit. I might invest in more printed bottoms for this Fall/Winter season, they are so fun to style and pair with. I also been wearing my long sweater cardigan with pretty much all my outfits lately,  its my new go-to accessory to finalize my outfit on these chilly lately. Anyways, hope you guys are having a great Thursday. I'm off to run more errands.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE YOUR OUTFIT!! THOSE BOOTS ARE TO DIE FOR. I really love your hair too. And I think your outfit is really perfect. Nice shots too!


    I hope you can check out mine http://casualfaye.blogspot.com/
